Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ponder This...

The last couple of days, I've woken up in a funk. The funk turned me into quite a crabby patty! So last night, as I was laying in bed, I tried to think of the reason of my "displeasure". I started to think it was stress, but then I started leaning towards frustration. Maybe it's stress from frustration. Or is it frustration from stress. Come to think of it, my bitchiness might be from PMS. Could an early onset of PMS be caused by frustration? Or stress? Maybe I'm frustrated because of the PMS. Maybe I'm stressed from the PMS. How about stressed from frustration to the point of PMS? No? Frustrated about PMS to give me stress? I give up! Isn't is amazing all of the emotions a womans body goes through?! It makes me tired just to figure out the answer. I don't believe I ever did, but I don't feel so bad today. Yeah! Although, I would almost choose the stress, frustration, and PMS over this damn kink in my neck!

1 comment:

Sissi M. said...

Stress, PMS, Frustration and the overwhelming urge to punch someone in the face...yeah, I know exactly how you feel!